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Otterbein’s Annual Tree Lighting

15 Nov

Otterbein is hosting another annual tree lighting December 2nd, 2011 at 5:30 P.M. located near Towers Plaza.

The ceremony will begin with a holiday message given by Rev. Monty Bradely, followed by the tree lighting countdown lead by President Krendl. Santa Claus will also make an appearance while the choir helps ring in the holiday’s with various Christmas carols.

This tradition has taken place since the 1960s Dr. Turner’s administration as stated by Bob Gatti, who is the president of Student Affairs at Otterbein. Following the annual lighting, there will also be the traditional Thanksgiving dinner at the Campus Center.

Everyone is welcomed to attend.


Last friday, Otterbein held their annual tree lighting. Otterbein’s annual tree lighting was held a little later then previous years, due to the universitys’ recent switch from quarters to semesters. This years tradition took place just two weeks before the fall semester ends. This particular event happens to be one of the school’s biggest events during the holiday season.

“The tree lighting always helps sets the mood for the holidays around our school. I always try to make it since my freshman year. It’s important to me since I am so far away from my family and home. I can’t really celebrate the start of the holiday’s with them until break so Otterbein is the next best thing. Otterbein and the community is like my second family and home,” says Tina D., a junior at Otterbein.

The festivities began at 5:30 P.M. just outside the Tower’s Plaza. The festivities was no different then the previous years. Many students and community members around the Westerville neighboring areas showed up to help celebrate the start of the holidays right at Otterbein.

Otterbein’s president, Kathy Krendl first lit up the light’s on the trees around the plaza then Otterbein’s choir proceeded to sing Christmas carols, while encouraging the crowd to sing along. Various student government members passed candy cane treats among the crowd.After a few words from Monty Bradley who wished everyone a happy holidays, all the children began exclaiming excitedly as they saw Santa coming to join everyone for the festivities.

The tree lighting event soon ended and everyone then began heading towards the Campus Center, where a Thanksgiving Dinner was to take place.