Polaris Founders Park

1 Nov

A 1.5 acre park, known as the “Polaris Founders Park”, was opened in the Polaris area behind the Microsoft office building at 8800 Lyra Drive on October 5th, 2011. Some features of the park include a one mile walking path, a gazebo, two waterfalls, and an intricate 35 foot sculpture of the Polaris Star.

The park was developed by the founders of Polaris and was inspired by Bob Echele, who was the visionary behind Polaris. The developers planned the creation of the $500,000 park five years ago and kept in mind Echele’s love for the Japanese culture and Colorado Mountains, as well as the visitors and workers of Polaris.  Franz Geiger, Limited NP manager and other founders held a dedication ceremony for Echele, which was marked as the parks’ official opening.

Polaris Founders Park is now open to the public.

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[Edit]: Recently went to the park and it was closed off as you can see from some of the pictures above. Nonetheless, it looked beautiful from what could be seen.

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